Friday, August 15, 2008

Aubrey Organics

Okay, last week I went to my local whole foods market and picked up Aubrey Organics. I'm excited to use these because I've heard such great reviews on them. I picked up Island Naturals (poo & condish), Honeysuckle Rose condish, White Camellia condish, and GPB condish. I've been waiting until I took my twist out, which I did yesterday. Usually I do wash day on Sundays but because I'm so excited about using this product I think I'm going to scratch the twistout and wash my hair tonight.

I'm going to start with the Island Naturals first. I'm not going to do a pre-poo (coconut milk & molasses)... ah I might as I'll post my results at a later time. I'm going to go ahead and get started...